Why Branding Should Be a Big Deal in Your Business

Branding should be the driving force behind your marketing strategy because it is there not just to create a one-time focus. Rather, branding should help to build long-lasting relationships with customers that will hopefully stand the test of time. Here are some tips on how to make branding a big deal in your business.

If you want to market your brand by video, talk to Melty Cone Video today.

Identifying your target audience

Your brand message will need to be tailored to speak your audience's language, so to speak. But this can only be achieved if you know who your audience is and what they're seeking a solution for. Here, it's about going into the nitty-gritty details of what makes your customer tick. Then, once you've identified who they are in terms of their demographic and psychographic characteristics and what they are searching for, you can start figuring out how to reach them.


Creating a memorable brand message

When creating a brand message, consistency is key. Moreover, it's about relaying a consistent brand message across various platforms using brand-specific colors, being cognizant of how your business is portrayed across the board, and using witty slogans to ensure your brand is outstandingly memorable. Furthermore, branding is about figuring out how your business can be set apart from your competitors; hence, why you need to determine your value proposition and unique selling point to further cement your position in the market. Moreover, your value proposition will help frame your brand message; this should highlight what makes your offering different and how this can add value to your customers' lives, as in the case of Red Bull: Red Bull gives you wings, for example.


Channels you can use to communicate your brand message

Of course, you will need to share your brand message with your target audience for it to be effective. Nowadays, this is simple to do with the myriad of options you have at your fingertips, including using digital and more traditional marketing platforms to engage and build relationships with your audience. Three examples that stand out and can communicate your brand message effectively include social media, email marketing, and your website. Moreover, video marketing is proving to be highly successful when it comes to engaging customers on a more visual level. For example, YouTube is one example of video marketing that you can use to connect with your audience instantly, provided that you use the necessary SEO techniques so that your audience finds you easily. When it comes to more traditional marketing platforms, the list is endless and really just depends on how much of a multichannel marketing approach you wish to adopt.


Tools you can use in your branding strategy

When deciding on what brand images to use on your social media or website, for example, a graphic designer's services might be helpful in creating professional-looking images. However, in the case of a logo, you can use a free logo design tool to create a logo yourself. All you need to do is select a style and icon online and then change it to align with your brand theme, colors, font, etc.


Enhancing your skills

Perhaps you feel like the concept of branding is beyond your current skill set at the moment. Then going back to school and earning an online degree in business, business management, marketing, or leadership might just give you the extra skills and knowledge you need to create an award-winning brand strategy in the future.

Branding should, therefore, bridge the gap between all your marketing efforts to ensure you have the kind of staying power that can outlast decades of stiff competition.

Lucas Chu

Melty Cone is a full service video production company in NYC. We make commercials, corporate videos, branded content, brand videos and the best videos in New York!