Fundraising Videos: Why Your Non-Profit Needs Them and What to Include

The consumption of video content doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon. In fact, it is only growing.  What that means for businesses and non-profits is that, video is one of the most significant ways in which they can connect with their audiences. 

In the first quarter of 2015 alone, it was estimated that video views had grown by 100%, according to the Ooyala’s Global Video Index. 

In 2014, Facebook found that its video views crossed a billion, on average. In fact, the number of videos shared on the social network, from businesses and people, is estimated to increase by 3.6 times each year. 

Non-profits happen to be one of the most significant groups that are involved in sharing these videos. 

Video is a core component of any business’s marketing strategy and that includes non-profit organizations as well. For such organizations, video plays an even more important role when it comes to fundraising. Melty Cone is a fundraising video production company in NYC.

Why you ask?

Well, because video is known for offering very high rates of conversion. However, that’s not all. Video also has the unique potential to help non-profits connect volunteers and donors with their mission. 

Video and Conversion

A major goal for a non-profit is to gather long-term donors and get the funds coming in. Video is one of the ways in which non-profits can achieve this. It serves as an excellent tool to communicate their goals, objectives and values. Of course, the ability of the video to impact donors also depends on creating high quality content. 

In a video benchmark report published by Vidyard, it was found that 71% of marketers preferred video content because of how they were able to boost conversion rates better than any other form of marketing content. The report also noted that putting videos on a landing page could increase conversion rates by 80%. 

Insights like these prove to be valuable for non-profit organizations that plan to attract donors using multiple content forms. For example, placing an actionable video on the landing page in such a way as to lead the visitor to the donation form, can actually have a significant impact on the non-profit’s fundraising efforts. 

Video is Mobile

The growth in mobile usage has also caused an upsurge in mobile video consumption. This is another video sharing strategy that non-profits can employ as part of their fundraising plans. The Cisco Visual Networking Index, in 2012, showed that 50% of data traffic on mobile devices consisted of videos. In 2014, it grew to 55%. Video sharing via mobile devices is an excellent way to connect with the donors, while they are already engaging with content. 

In fact, many people already use their mobile devices to support non-profit organizations. A study published by FrontStream found that fundraising through mobile platforms attracted 3 times more funds when compared to fundraising done via other platforms. Other than that, it was also found that mobile web browsers attracted 205% more funds. Melty Cone is a mobile video production company in NYC.

More Than Just Advertising

Online video content is all about creating the right kind of impact, especially for non-profit organizations. Employing video as part of the marketing strategy allows non-profits to set themselves apart from other businesses and organizations. It serves as an appropriate response to the desire that many people have in terms of being connected to a particular cause. 

Video can also help non-profits retain donors by showing the impact that their contributions are responsible for. 

In fact, a study conducted by Google found that 75% of donors relied on video content to assess the level of impact a non-profit organization was creating. Video goes beyond just plain old marketing and informs the donor about what the non-profit is actually doing. Using this tool in the right manner can really change things around for non-profit organizations. 

How to Use Video

As we already know now, video can be a very effective tool in grabbing a donor’s attention. However, it is also necessary to create the right video. There is no blanket approach to this. The kind of video content you create depends on your non-profit’s mission and fundraising strategy. Even so, there are certain important elements to be included in the content. 

Here are a few suggestions.

  1. Relevance

    Use relevant issues to focus on. The video must make the donor care and also to answer questions as to why he/she must be bothered. 

  2. Include a CTA

    Never forget to incorporate a Call to Action in the video. No matter how creative or interesting the video is, not including a Call to Action will only minimize or even, eliminate the impact the video was meant to create. Also, make sure the Call to Action is clear. Add words such as “Visit our Website” or “Come Volunteer with Us”. 

  3. Keep it Short

    There is no need to go into unnecessary details. Keep the message simple, short, and to the point. Ideally, a video must be 3 minutes or less in length. The last thing you want to do is test a donor’s patience. 

  4. Don’t Rely on Video Alone

    Video is definitely significant and must be included, but, do not rely on it a 100%. Video must be supported by other content forms. That’s the true way to achieve fundraising success. It needs to be seamlessly integrated into the overall fundraising strategy. 

  5. Focus on the Video

    Video must be made the center of your fundraising strategy or campaign. Let your other strategies revolve around the video.

What is Melty Cone? Melty Cone is a full-service video production company in NYC. We make videos from start to finish; from creative idea conception to final video delivery.

Lucas Chu

Melty Cone is a full service video production company in NYC. We make commercials, corporate videos, branded content, brand videos and the best videos in New York!